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Find Your Brick

View the memorial bricks listing and their approximate locations

community veterans memorial

Click here for brick listing and locations.

Note: The information on this page is provided by Bob & Chris Huffman. Their work is dedicated to the memory of Chris's father, Charles J. Kiupelis, and to his brothers Albert and Bruno.

Memorial Bricks have proven to be a popular feature of the Community Veterans Memorial. Over 5,000 friends and relatives have chosen to honor those who have served our county in the armed services. The sponsors of the Memorial often receive requests from donors wanting to know where their memorial brick has been placed. Unfortunately, this information was not always available. Due to this request, I took upon myself the task of locating all the bricks at the memorial, and I have prepared this index.

Every attempt is made to be accurate and complete, however I cannot assure 100% accuracy. Errors can be introduced in each step of the procedure, from order to production to my interpretation of the engravings. If you cannot find the brick you are looking for please send an email to Also, I would appreciate being notified of any spelling or other errors. - Sincerely, Bob Huffman